MATH CLUB: The golden ratio and the Fibonacci numbers

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Datum: 01.06.2024
Zeit: 09:00 - 12:00

Familienzentrum Flüügepilz

To whom?
Children aged between 11 and 14
(No previous mathematical knowledge is required.

90 CHF / person
(80 CHF for members of the Familienclub Erlenbach)

The golden ratio and the fibonacci numbers

The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio that appears many times in mathematics, nature, art, architecture and other areas.
The ratio is strongly associated with the Fibonacci sequence, a long ordered list of numbers, in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers.

What’s going on?
During the workshop, we will discover the mathematics behind the golden ratio, the Fibonacci numbers and their relationship to each other.
We will play Fibonacci numbers related rhythms, listen to music and on the top of  all those you can make your own Fibonacci inspired art and write your own „Fib“.

Why participate?
1. You will learn about
– an irrational number: the golden ratio
– the Fibonacci numbers
– how to construct the Golden rectangle
– how the Fibonacci numbers relate to music
– how math and art can be liked

2. The workshop develops, teaches
– understanding, following and creating patterns
– visualization, spatial skills
– understanding geometric forms
– fine motor skills
– problem-solving and abstract thinking


For registration or in case of any questions, please contact the course leader:

Panna Miskolczi
+41 79 570 78 68 or mail to: